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Step 2: Creating a choropleth

cartokit supports styling geospatial data using a wide range of cartographic forms, including choropleth, proportional symbol, dot density, and more.

We have some Polygons rendering on our map, but they don’t yet convey any underlying data. Let’s fix that! To begin the visualization process, select any feature of the layer on the map. This will open the Properties Panel.

The Properties Panel contains a handful of controls for styling the layer. The most powerful of these is the Map Type select, which controls the core cartographic representation of the layer. By default, cartokit uses the Fill type to style Polygon and MultiPolygon geometries. We’ll switch to a Choropleth type, which will allow us to color each county according to its unemployment rate.

Et voilà—in a single click, we’ve created a choropleth map! Notice that cartokit has already chosen the rate property of our GeoJSON dataset as the value driving each Polygon’s color. By default, cartokit selects the first numeric property it identifies in the dataset for visualization; you can select any property you like from the Attribute dropdown. In addition, the transition to a Choropleth layer has unveiled a new set of controls in the Properties Panel, including dropdowns for the color scheme, number of steps, and the classification method used to bin the data. In the next section, we’ll use these controls to style our Choropleth to match the D3 map.